Homes Heated by Gas Furnaces Are Warmer and More Energy Efficient than Other Types

Most homes in the United States are heated with either furnaces or boilers. Furnaces heat up the air and distribute that heated air throughout the house using ducts. A gas furnace needs to be installed properly in order to work effectively. If not installed properly, your new furnace can cause you a myriad of problems. You can search for a ‘gas furnace installer near me’ to get in touch with professionals who provide efficient and reliable gas furnace installations.

Benefits of Installing a Gas Furnace

If you are looking to install a new heating system for your home, you should consider installing a gas furnace over electric or oil. It generally costs much less to heat your home with natural gas rather than other available options. Apart from this, other benefits to installing a gas furnace include:


Gas furnaces are among the most energy-efficient heating system that are available in the market. Most gas furnaces have an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating much higher than the required 78 percent. The EIA states that the households that use natural gas to heat their homes will spend $1,500 less each heating season, compared to oil furnaces.

Low Maintenance

Natural gas furnaces are more efficient, and maintenance requires much less money than others. If the gas furnaces are properly maintained, they can easily last up to 20 years.

Increased Comfort

 Gas furnaces are known to produce heat that is 25 to 35 degrees warmer than the heat that is produced by other heating sources. They also distribute heat more evenly throughout your home. As a result, the house heated by a gas furnace remains warmer and cozier than any other kind of furnace.


When natural gas burns, it is much cleaner than oil. Gas furnaces require less space as well since they do not need any extra space to exhaust emissions.

Have Your Furnace Installed at an Affordable Rate

There are several factors that affect the gas furnace installation price. The first thing that matters is the size of the furnace that you need. A large unit will cost more money than a smaller one. Homes in colder climates or with more square footage will need a larger heating system with more BTU output to heat. The second thing that will affect the price is the installation labor rates. 

More experienced installers generally charge more for labor while less experienced installers may charge less for the same amount of work. At the same time, if your home’s ductwork or piping needs to be installed, replaced, or enhanced that could increase the cost of a heating system quite significantly. 

Some areas require homeowners to acquire a permit for furnace installation which could cost an additional $100-$200. At average, the gas furnace installation can range from $2000 to $5000. Before installation, you should get an estimated quote from various companies so you can choose the one that offers the best services at the rate that matches your budget.

Have the Furnace Repaired by Professionals

Having a gas furnace to heat up your house during the cold winter months is a blessing. When your furnace develops a problem such as it stops heating the house effectively or starts to leak gas, you need to call in professional assistance immediately. 

Gas furnace repair cost in Monroeville PA will vary depending on what is wrong with your system. The average cost homeowners face for a furnace repair is about $250. There are a number of factors to consider when estimating the cost of a furnace repair such as warranty, service, age, size , and condition.


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